173.2: CareerTalk – Smile, You’re On Camera
This short mini-episode idea came to me after helping a job candidate prepare for a video interview they were going to be participating in recently. The content not only applies to our shelter-at-home period, but I think will continue to apply for months to come as...
172.1: CareerTalk – Pondering Self-Care
In this CareerTalk mini-episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast, we talk about a concept that came up on one of our primary shows – the concept of “self-care”. In that other episode though, we specifically discuss it with...
171.2: CareerTalk – Are You Smiling?
In this CareerTalk mini-episode, we talk about an observation I had while shopping in the grocery store during the COVID-19 crisis, wearing my medical safety mask. During that excursion, I had the odd realization that even though I couldn’t necessarily see the...
171.1: CareerTalk – Recession Creates Opportunity
Believe it or not, recession creates opportunity. In this CareerTalk mini-episode, we briefly discuss the fact that recessions really can create opportunity, even in the employment market. We all know that while some industries have difficult times, others see even...
170.3: CareerTalk – Red or Green?
For this CareerTalk mini-episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast, we talk about the affect of different types of employment markets on our choices of employment. This came to me as I was shopping in the grocery store during this pandemic time. ...
170.2: CareerTalk – Don’t Delay, Call Today
In this CareerTalk mini-episode of Where Accountants Go, we discuss the importance of not procrastinating when it comes to your job search. Even though I personally believe that the economy will bounce back relatively quickly once the COVID situation is under control,...
170.1: CareerTalk – Some Things Never Change
In this CareerTalk mini-episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast, we talk about a core truth to the employment market. I had this insight while reading a quote from Michael Hyatt in a newsletter. The newsletter was meant for business owners,...
169.3: CareerTalk – You Have Transferable Skills
For this short CareerTalk episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers podcast, we address a career fact in accounting: You Have Transferable Skills. If you have been caught up in layoffs, or may be in the future, something to always remember as an...