234: Individual Tax Bootcamp ON-DEMAND is now here!
This is a special announcement edition of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. For many years we have provided tax training for entry-level accountants and those without much tax experience through our live courses. We are super excited to announce...
229: Our Host, Mark Goldman, on “Accountable”
This week on Where Accountants Go: The Accounting Careers podcast, we rebroadcast a show where Mark Goldman, the host of Where Accountants Go, was a guest on another podcast by the name of “Accountable”. “Accountable” is an extraordinarily well-produced podcast...
224.5: CareerTalk – Get Out!
For this week’s episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast, we have a short CareerTalk mini-episode for you covering an important concept specifically for those entering the job market. Whether for a student internship, your first...
213: Learn What Good Looks Like
For this episode, we actually revisit an idea from a very recent guest – Chris Hervochon. Due to very bad weather conditions in Texas, we got behind on recording episodes. However, as luck would have it, there was a concept that Chris had shared in his recent...
188: Kent Klaus & Christine Landoll – Helping Students Jump-start Their Careers
Kent Klaus & Christine Landoll, two professors from two separate universities, joined us for this special edition episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. We invited these two exceptional educators on the show to share the unique and...
185: Dr. Scott Dell – CPA, Educator, and Entrepreneur
Dr. Scott Dell with Francis Marion University in South Carolina joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. Everyone says they want “variety” in their careers, but I will challenge you to find a career with more variety than...
183.1: CareerTalk – Please, Get Your Certification
In this CareerTalk mini-episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast, I talk about an issue that has become vastly more important in this pandemic-era job market: certification. Recently I was having a conversation with an employer about a...
176: Eric P. Butts – Building An Ideal Career, And Helping Others Do The Same
Eric P. Butts, a CPA in the Atlanta, Georgia, area joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. If you have an interest in taking your accounting career in the direction of high-level consulting engagements, this is an ideal...