214: Brian Henderson – Knocking It Out of The Park In Accounting
Brian Henderson in the Austin area joined us for this “2nd career” edition of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers podcast. This is one of our “second career” episodes meaning that the guest started in a different career first, and then migrated later on into...
212: Maxene Bardwell – A Career in Internal Audit
Maxene Bardwell, a highly-accomplished professional in the field of Internal Audit from the Maryland area, joined us for this week’s episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers podcast. If you have ever considered moving your own career in the direction...
208: Tasha Fox – CPA and Controller for the Osage Nation
Tasha Fox, a CPA that was recently recognized by CPA Practice Advisor on the list of Most Powerful Women in Accounting, joined us for this week’s episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. This was a first for our show in that we have never had...
196: Felicia Farrar – Making A Difference Through A Career With The Government
Felicia Farrar, a CPA, CFE, and now a PhD candidate as well, joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. We haven’t touched on careers within governmental accounting in a while, so this episode will be a refreshing change. ...
191: Jocelyn Hill, CPA – Becoming Partner & Loving the Arts
Jocelyn Hill, a Partner with Williams, Adley & Company in Washington, DC, joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers podcast. This episode is unique for several reasons. First of all, Jocelyn has been with her firm for over 25...
151: From Big 4, to the PCAOB, to Academia – Kecia Williams Smith
Kecia Williams Smith, PhD and CPA from the North Carolina area, joined us for this episode of Life In Accounting, the Where Accountants Go podcast. A strong foundation Kecia became interested in accounting and overall business at an early age. As she was about to...
141: Amy Pitter – Making a Difference in the Governmental Sector, Plus a Discussion on D&I
Amy Pitter, the President and CEO for the Massachusetts CPA Society, and former Commissioner for the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, joined us for this episode of Life In Accounting, the Where Accountants Go podcast. From Law to Tax Amy’s path actually started in...
108: From the GAO to Successful Entrepreneur – Libby King CPA
Libby King of Libby King & Associates in Austin, Texas, joined us for this episode of Life In Accounting, a podcast production of Where Accountants Go. If you’ve ever daydreamed about how you could use your industry accounting background to service clients in a...