For this short CareerTalk episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers podcast, we address a career fact in accounting:  You Have Transferable Skills.

If you have been caught up in layoffs, or may be in the future, something to always remember as an accounting professional is that your skills apply in many different industries, not just the one you are in.

For instance, if you work in construction accounting, your experience is typically readily transferable to a manufacturing accounting job.  Positions in retail and hospitality often transfer well to any industry with a large labor force or inventory involvement.   No matter what industry you work in, your accounting skills are very transferable.  Debits are still debits, and credits are still credits.  🙂

If you find yourself needing to transition to something different, particularly if it’s not voluntary, remember that fact.  Accounting is a resilient career field.  Everyone needs some type of accounting help, and ultimately you can work in practically any industry.

Please listen to the short audio discussion of this topic by using the audio player below, or through your favorite podcast app.