In this CareerTalk mini-episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast, I talk about a very practical tactic for today’s ever-changing economy during the epidemic.  That tactic is to Be Flexible.

Hopefully you are just as busy as always in your job, but if you are seeing a slowdown or have been furloughed/laid-off recently, then this is an important concept.  In addition, it also applies to recent graduates and those about to graduate.

Just a month ago I would have been the first to say that it’s not necessary to “settle” for a job that’s not perfect.  The economy was strong, and opportunities were plentiful.  Fast-forward only a few weeks now though and the world has changed.

If you find yourself  needing to look for a new position, or your first position, and your ideal situation isn’t available, be flexible and accept something close.  Later on when things improve, you can always reassess at that point.  However, if it takes a while for things to improve, you will be a whole lot happier having been working during this time than waiting for the perfect opportunity.  Being a little flexible in a dynamic economy such as this pays off in the long run.

As always, if we can be of assistance please let us know.