207: Carolyn Smith, CPA AEP CAP – A Unique Exit Planning Niche
Carolyn Smith, Senior Partner with C3 Financial Partners in Texas, joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. Carolyn’s career started as many do… in public accounting. And in fact, she spent the first 30 years of her career...
178: Anjali Jariwala from Fit Advisors and the Money Checkup Podcast
The owner of Fit Advisors and host of the Money Checkup Podcast, Anjali Jariwala, joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. Anjali was always interested in business, and decided to major in Accounting after spending a little...
175: Steve Watson, CPA and SHRM-SCP – Breaking the Trend in Rising Healthcare Costs
Steve Watson, a combined finance and human resources professional in the Phoenix, Arizona area, joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. You are going to get a double learning opportunity from this episode. First, we discuss...
168: Allan Roth – Daring To Be Dull… In Investing
Allan Roth, a CPA turned financial planning professional, joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast! Allan was suggested to us by a listener of the show, and we were very intrigued when we did a little research on Allan’s...
098: Life Should be Multi-Dimensional – A Conversation with Kim Nourie, CPA
In this episode of Life In Accounting, a podcast production of WhereAccountantsGo.com, we speak with Kim Nourie, CPA of Financial Life Advisors in San Antonio, Texas, about her early career starting at Arthur Andersen, moving through American Airlines, and then later...
093: Steve Goodman CPA – The Importance of Focus in Business
Steve Goodman of Goodman Financial was our guest for this week’s episode of Life In Accounting, a podcast production of www.WhereAccountantsGo.com. Success through Focus As with most guest interviews, we spend a substantial amount of time covering Steve’s career...
071: Building a Career in Investments – Doug Ward, Chief Investment Officer with USAA
What does it take to become an investments expert? In this episode of Life In Accounting: The Where Accountants Go podcast, Doug Ward, CPA, and Chief Investment Officer for USAA shares his insight on this and other career-related topics. Doug began his career in real...
055: Ben Simiskey – Plan Well, Live Well, Serve Well
Ben Simiskey, CFP and CPA/PFS of PLS Advisory was our guest on this week’s episode of Life In Accounting: The Where Accountants Go podcast. Where the fun is… As with most interviews, I asked Ben how he ended up pursuing accounting in the first place. His answer was a...