by Mark Goldman | Aug 13, 2019 | Entrepreneurial, Podcast, Tech, Where Accountants Go
Kurt Rathmann, founder of ScaleFactor in Austin, Texas, re-joined us for an update show on this episode of Life In Accounting, the Where Accountants Go podcast! Still feels like a start-up I asked this early on in the episode, because I honestly wasn’t sure if...
by Mark Goldman | Aug 6, 2019 | Podcast, Public Accounting, Tech, Where Accountants Go
Chris Hooper from Accodex joined us for this episode of Life In Accounting, the Where Accountants Go podcast. In addition to being one of the most entrepreneurial guests we have had in a while, Chris lives in Adelaide, Australia, which makes him our first...
by Mark Goldman | Jul 30, 2019 | Non-profit, Podcast, Public Accounting, Tax, Where Accountants Go
Greg Ogburn, CPA and Co-Executive Director of the Panhandle Chapter of the Texas Society of CPAs (TXCPA), joined us to share his career story with us on Life In Accounting, the Where Accountants Go podcast. Starting out early Greg’s career started along a traditional...
by Mark Goldman | Jul 23, 2019 | Consulting, Entrepreneurial, Podcast, Where Accountants Go
Don Maranca, originally our guest for episode number 1 (!), rejoined us for this new episode of Life In Accounting, the Where Accountants Go podcast. An Old Friend… Yes, Don was the very first guest on our podcast, and we asked him back to both get an update and to go...
by Mark Goldman | Jul 16, 2019 | Audit, Podcast, Public Accounting, Where Accountants Go
Jim Wallace, the CEO of BPM, a top 50 national CPA firm, joined us to share the story of his career, thoughts on diversity and inclusion, and insights into servant leadership on this episode of Life In Accounting, the Where Accountants Go podcast. Be A Good Father As...