Greg Ogburn, CPA and Co-Executive Director of the Panhandle Chapter of the Texas Society of CPAs (TXCPA), joined us to share his career story with us on Life In Accounting, the Where Accountants Go podcast.

Starting out early

Greg’s career started along a traditional path.  Straight out of college he joined one of the Big 8 accounting firms, and a little later moved to a local firm in the Dallas area.  Not long after that he moved to the Santa Fe, New Mexico area, and decided that it was time to venture out on his own.  Around 1991 he started his own accounting practice and grew it to two offices.

Amarillo by morning

In 2003 Greg moved back to Texas, but this time to Amarillo, which is located in the Texas “Panhandle”.  As he mentions in the interview, he had to start over a bit because not all his clientele followed, but he was fortunate enough to keep many of them… some of which he continues to service today.  Over the years he has been able to structure his work life to give him quite a variety of duties, from the typical accounting services that you would expect a firm to provide, to handling his family real estate business and serving as Co-Executive Director for the Panhandle Chapter of TXCPA.

Serving the profession

Although he still very much runs the daily business in his accounting practice, he definitely enjoys the activities he is able to participate in as co-executive director of the CPA chapter.  Their particular chapter has about 500 members and serves 19 counties in the northern “panhandle” section of Texas.  His wife serves along with him as the other co-executive director, but Greg admits that he tends to be more involved in the daily activities at this point <grin>.  That is actually part of the appeal of structuring the position in this manner, each individual can fill in as needs dictate.

In addition to discussing Greg’s career, we also get into a discussion regarding changes in the profession and thoughts on how the certification requirements may change in the future.  This was a fun and interesting episode to record.

If you enjoy this episode, make sure you check out these as well:  Matt Malcom and Natasha Schamberger

To listen in, please click on the player below: