Special Episode: Christmas 2019
We know your time is short during the holidays, so instead of bringing you a full episode, we had just a few items to pass on to you this Christmas Eve 2019. Thank you! First and foremost, thank you so so much for continuing to listen in on our interviews with...
156: Becoming a Super Auditor, & Helping Others Succeed – Sabine Charles
Sabine Charles in New York shares her story of starting as a French & Spanish major, to landing in internal audit, to now starting the audit function with a national educational institution! Plus, Sabine helps others attain the professional certifications they...
155: Jay Kimelman – The Digital CPA
Jay Kimelman, Founder of The Digital CPA, joined us for this episode of Life In Accounting, the Where Accountants Go podcast. In this episode, we cover Jay’s career starting in industry accounting roles, through owning a nutritional business, and then to starting The...
154: Rebroadcast of “How To Pass The CPA Exam – Tips from 5 Newly Certified CPAs!”
This week we revisit one of our most popular shows from 2018, “How To Pass The CPA Exam – Tips from 5 Newly Certified CPAs”. This episode was popular for many reasons. First, all the participants were very recently certified at the time of the recording, so the...
153: Following the Opportunities Where They Lead – A Discussion with Delene Taylor
Delene Taylor, CPA and Marketing Director for Deming, Malone, Livesay, & Ostroff in Kentucky joined us for this episode of Life In Accounting, the Where Accountants Go podcast. The early days… Delene started her career in accounting because of the positive...
152: Investing in Your Career & Ringing The Bell! An Interview With Adriana Carpenter
Adriana Carpenter, the Chief Accounting Officer for Ping Identity, a company in Colorado that just recently went public, joined us for this episode of Life In Accounting, the Where Accountants Go podcast. From finance major to CPA Adriana knew from an early age that...
151: From Big 4, to the PCAOB, to Academia – Kecia Williams Smith
Kecia Williams Smith, PhD and CPA from the North Carolina area, joined us for this episode of Life In Accounting, the Where Accountants Go podcast. A strong foundation Kecia became interested in accounting and overall business at an early age. As she was about to...
150: Strategies for Passing the CPA Exam – A Discussion With The Experts At Intend2Lead
Brian Kush and Amber Setter of Intend2Lead joined us to discuss strategies for passing the CPA exam on this episode of Life In Accounting, the Where Accountants Go podcast. It’s more than just the basic goal… While goal setting is an important part of any passing...