Where Accountants Go
The Accounting Careers Podcast

234: Individual Tax Bootcamp ON-DEMAND is now here!
This is a special announcement edition of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. For many years we have provided tax training for entry-level accountants and those without much tax experience through our live courses. We are super excited to announce...
233: Geraldine Carter – Building a Practice That You Enjoy
Geraldine Carter of She Thinks Big Coaching joined us for this special edition of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. While our show usually highlights the career paths of successful accountants, or individuals that started in accounting and have...
232: Tracy Coenen, CPA – Forensic Accounting & Serving As An Expert Witness
Tracy Coenen of Sequence Inc, a Chicago-based forensic accounting specialty firm, joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. Tracy always knew she wanted to be involved with investigations and the criminal justice system. In...
231: Michelle Garrison – ‘Engineering’ An Ideal Accounting Career
Michelle Garrison, a CFO in the Houston area, joined us for this continuation of our “2nd-career-accountant” series of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. Michelle’s career started a little differently than most of our guests. Michelle was actually...
230: Nancy McClelland – The Dancing Accountant!
Nancy McClelland, a CPA in the Chicago area, joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers podcast. In this episode, we are going to cover many items, probably the most interesting being how she came up with the name for her practice –...
229: Our Host, Mark Goldman, on “Accountable”
This week on Where Accountants Go: The Accounting Careers podcast, we rebroadcast a show where Mark Goldman, the host of Where Accountants Go, was a guest on another podcast by the name of “Accountable”. “Accountable” is an extraordinarily well-produced podcast...
228: Cece Leung of “Dear Accountant”
Cece Leung, Founder of The Entrepreneur CFO, author of “Dear Accountant”, and host of the podcast by the same name, joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. In this episode, we cover many, many topics. Cece’s early career...
227: Dawn Goldberg – CPA Moms Coach
Dawn Goldberg, CPA and Certified Life Coach (and mother of course), joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. In addition to being a coach for CPAs that are mothers, Dawn is also a Community Manager for CPA MOMS and hosts...