168.3: CareerTalk – What’s Important To You?
In this CareerTalk mini-episode of Where Accountants Go, The Accounting Careers Podcast, we touch on possibly the most important question you should consider in your career: What’s Important To You? (!) Whether you’ve contemplated making a change, or...
168.2: CareerTalk – Stay Connected
In this mini-episode, as we continue in this time of a “new normal” for many people working remotely that didn’t before, I address the issue of staying connected. Staying connected is important even if you don’t feel you will need to look for...
168.1: CareerTalk – Be Valuable
For a short period, we are going to be releasing “fractional” episodes on topics related to your career. With the uncertainty happening in our world due to the coronavirus outbreak, it’s important that we focus on what is truly important in our...