185: Dr. Scott Dell – CPA, Educator, and Entrepreneur
Dr. Scott Dell with Francis Marion University in South Carolina joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. Everyone says they want “variety” in their careers, but I will challenge you to find a career with more variety than...
183: Anthony Hanson of iFinance in East Sussex
Anthony Hanson, an accountant that started his career in Colorado, and later moved to East Sussex in the United Kingdom after getting engaged to his British fiancé, joined us to discuss his early career as well as founding iFinance, on this episode of Where...
182: Mindy Mejia – Becoming a Full-Time Author and CPA At The Same Time!
Mindy Mejia, an experienced accounting professional, recently-certified CPA, and a full-time author now with 4 (!) books published, joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. Mindy’s journey was different than most of our...
181: Lynda Artesani on Building a Business and Selecting a Niche
Lynda Artesani of Artesani Bookkeeping in Florida joined us for the program this week. Lynda has had her business for over 20 years now, but we asked her on the program to discuss a decision she made only about 4 years ago. That decision was to focus on a niche for...
180: Charlene Rhinehart CPA, Founder of Wealthy Women Daily
Our guest for this week’s Where Accountants Go episode is Charlene Rhinehart, who joined us from the Greater Chicago area. I usually say our guest’s career started off in a ‘typical’ fashion, but that wouldn’t be true in this case. Charlene’s career has been...
179: Mike Whitmire – Co-Founder of FloQast
Mike Whitmire, CPA turned Co-Founder of a software-as-a-service company (FloQast) joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. Mike’s career started as most do. He majored in accounting in college, and through the college...
177: “Data Sleuthing” with Leah Wietholter
(Disclaimer: The rights to the terms “data sleuthing” and “data sleuth” are legally protected. Please contact Workman Forensics for more details.) For this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast, we are joined by forensics expert Leah...
175: Steve Watson, CPA and SHRM-SCP – Breaking the Trend in Rising Healthcare Costs
Steve Watson, a combined finance and human resources professional in the Phoenix, Arizona area, joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. You are going to get a double learning opportunity from this episode. First, we discuss...