176: Eric P. Butts – Building An Ideal Career, And Helping Others Do The Same
Eric P. Butts, a CPA in the Atlanta, Georgia, area joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast. If you have an interest in taking your accounting career in the direction of high-level consulting engagements, this is an ideal...
171: Lee Ann Crockett of Bellwether Church Solutions
Lee Ann Crockett of Bellwether Church Solutions in San Antonio, Texas, joined us for this episode of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers podcast. Lee Ann actually started as a Liberal Arts major, but while putting herself through school by working a...
137: Starting, Growing, and Systemizing A Business – Going Deeper with Don Maranca
Don Maranca, originally our guest for episode number 1 (!), rejoined us for this new episode of Life In Accounting, the Where Accountants Go podcast. An Old Friend… Yes, Don was the very first guest on our podcast, and we asked him back to both get an update and to go...