by Mark Goldman | May 21, 2019 | Entrepreneurial, Podcast, Public Accounting, Tech, Where Accountants Go
Amy Vetter, author, technologist, and CEO of The B3 Method Institute, joined us for this episode of Life In Accounting, the Where Accountants Go podcast. Amy’s earliest influencer regarding accounting was the legacy her grandfather left the family: He was a CPA. Her...
by Mark Goldman | May 14, 2019 | Entrepreneurial, Podcast, Public Accounting, Tech, Where Accountants Go
Jody Padar, author of “The Radical CPA” publications and founder of New Visions CPA Group, was our guest for this episode of Life In Accounting, a podcast production of Where Accountants Go! Ice Cream and Taxes Jody was influenced to pursue accounting in the same...
by Mark Goldman | May 7, 2019 | Industry, Non-profit, Podcast, Where Accountants Go
Natasha Schamberger, CPA and CEO of the Kansas Society of CPAs, joined us for this episode of Life In Accounting, a podcast production of Where Accountants Go! Midwest Girl Moves To The Big City! …is pretty much a direct quote from the audio interview in this...
by Mark Goldman | Apr 30, 2019 | Industry, Podcast, Where Accountants Go, Work Life Balance
Joseph Rugger, a CPA that has been able to structure his work life to be 100% remote, joined us for this episode of Life In Accounting, a podcast production of Where Accountants Go. Getting Started We start this interview in the same manner as most, with the story of...
by Mark Goldman | Apr 16, 2019 | CPA exam, Education, Podcast, Public Accounting, Where Accountants Go
Tim Gearty, Editor-In-Chief and National Lead Instructor for Becker CPA Review, as well as Managing Partner for Gearty & McIntyre, joined us for this episode of Life In Accounting, a podcast production of Where Accountants Go. Snow Shoveling Is Hard Work Like most...