Ryan Lazanis, the Founder of Future Firm and a previous guest on our show, re-joined us this week for a more in-depth discussion of how to build a modern accounting practice that is both scalable and something that fits the life you want to lead.

Ryan started his career in a typical staff accountant role like many of us do, and even tried both public accounting and industry like many of us as well.  However, after only a few years and while he was still in his 20’s, he decided to build his own accounting practice, but in a way that fit the lifestyle  he wanted to lead – something with more work/life balance than we generally picture in public accounting.

At about the 5 year mark, he had been approached so much about potentially selling his practice that he had to seriously consider that option.  After much soul-searching, he decided to go ahead and sell the firm and pursue another passion of his… helping other firm owners build a practice for themselves that fit their own specific dreams.

Future Firm, Ryan’s current endeavor, helps firm owners build and scale a modern firm that meets their financial needs, but doesn’t wear them out in the process.  He focuses on technology and subscription-based offerings in order to help the owners more easily manage their workload and thus their practice.

If you have any interest in building a firm, or if you have built a firm and would like it to be a little more lifestyle-friendly for you and your team, you will really enjoy this episode.

To find out more about Ryan’s offerings, please visit…

For other episodes you may enjoy, check out:  Ryan Lazanis interview #1 and Ron Baker

To listen in on this discussion with Ryan Lazanis, please use the player below: