Joey Tackett, partner with the Big 4 firm Deloitte in Houston, joined us for this episode of Life In Accounting: The Where Accountants Go podcast.

Humility & graciousness

You will notice several times in this interview that Joey makes reference to his upbringing and how hard his parents worked to give him a good start in life. I mention it several times near the end of the podcast, but it is worth mentioning here as well… Joey is a very gracious and humble individual and it is apparent throughout the interview. He really does appreciate the opportunities that have been presented to him through his years with Deloitte.

Path to Partner

Joey’s path to partner started with an internship. He interned twice at Deloitte and decided to accept their offer for full-time employment. He spent 5 years in the New Orleans office, and then had the opportunity to join their national office in Connecticut. After a couple years in Connecticut, he returned to Houston and later was admitted as a partner in their audit practice.

Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 20…

Joey was very generous with his answers to my questions regarding advice for younger professionals. You’ll have to listen to the audio for all the different thoughts he shares regarding how to be successful in the accounting profession, but one such piece of advice is, “Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 20.” Many times we can get caught up with comparing our success so far in life to other’s successes when they have been in the profession for much longer than we have. It’s not fair for us to do that to ourselves, and ultimately serves no positive purpose.

I hope you enjoy this episode. Joey also shares advice in the areas of how to build trust, how to develop your communication skills, and how to get out of your comfort zone. He truly was generous with his time.

Stay tuned next week for another weekly episode with another everyday hero in the accounting profession.

See you soon! There’s more to come…

Mark Goldman CPA
President – Where Accountants Go

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