Wills Vs. Trusts

In this seminar, Ivan Ramirez, Attorney-at-Law, will discuss the pros and cons of using a will based estate plan versus a trust based estate plan, which one is better for you and your family, and why. A simple will can be used to administer a small estate with few assets that does not require tax planning or advanced strategies; however, the more complex and valuable your estate is, the chances are that a simple will may not be adequate to protect your family. Even a middleclass estate can easily surpass levels that a simple will can protect if you take into account the value of life insurance, a homestead, and retirement accounts.

Topics we will cover include:

* How to determine whether a will or trust is appropriate
* The advantages and limitations of both strategies
* Estate and Gift tax ramifications
* Estate administration issues

Date: Friday, August 23, 2019
Time: 8:00am – 9:15am
Location: *NEW* Training Center, 901 NE Loop 410, STE 425
Cost: $20

1 Hour CE Credit for CPAs

Proceeds to benefit: NAWBO Scholarship Fund
Complimentary breakfast tacos



Bookings are closed for this event.